Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolution #1

Hey, all ewe wiener lovers! I nos dat ewe haf been waiting with bated breath (no, not bad breath, bated breath!) to see whut my New Year's Rezolushun #1 is, right? Okay, without further adieu...

New Year's Rezolushun #1: Love one another!

I look thrilled, don't I?

Even tho I always talk about how dopey Katie is and all dat mean wiener stuff, I weally do luv her. I gots to thinkin' about dat de oder day wen she comed over to my bed (well it's weally her bed, but dat's anoder story for anoder day), and laid down next to me. She was weally warm, so I snuggled up next to her, she put her hed next to mine, and we went to sleep. Dat's when I new whut my New Year's Rezolushun #1 was going to be: Love one another!

See, I tink da biggest ting dat's wrong wid da world today is peeple haf forgotten how to love one anoder. An I'm not talkin' about dat gooey, google-eye, moony-type luv dat ewe hewmons seem to engage in on a wegular basis (seriously, sniffin' butts is much faster!)! Us dogs, we love each oder all da time. Sure, we bark and snarl and stuff, but dat's only so we find out who's who an where dey fit in da pack. Not everybody can be da leader. Dat's my job! But once we gots it figgered out, most of da time we gets along jest fine wid each oder! It's da hewmons dat normally 'cause problems in da pack!

Us dogs, we don't kare if anoder dog is fat or skinny or tall or short or black or white or yellow or whutever! We don't kare if ur a Doberman Pinscher or Catahoula or Rhodesian Ridgeback or Boston Terrier or MinPin! We don't kare if anoder dog has a fancy collar or jest a rope. We don't kare if anoder dog has bad breath or not. We jest don't kare. It's not part of how we luv one anoder at all 'cause we don't get caught up in all dat stuff! All we see is DOG! An wen we sees DOG, we nos dat dey are part of our pack.

But ewe hewmons...gosh, where do I start? I alweady talked about how ewe rush around all da time, forgetting da tings dat are important. I talked about how ewe shud stop an smell da roses an I talked about how ewe shud keep ur nose kleen. Yet most important, I tink, is dat ewe haf forgotten how to love one anoder. Ewe haf forgotten dat ewe are all part of da same big pack! Sometimes it seems like so many peeple are angry or sad or somewhere in between. Dey haf forgotten how to be happy 'cause dey haf forgotten how to love. Dey haf forgotten dey're part of the world pack an let's face it, peeple, we needs one anoder.

Ewe might say, "What the heck do you know? You're just a wiener!" Yep, dat is wight; I is jest a wittle wiener. But I learned a longtime ago dat luv is da one ting that makes a difference in dis world. I'm talking about selfless, giving of ur heart kinda love dat touches oder people, dat weaches out to da brokenhearted, to da sad, to the lonely ones of da world pack. I sorta touched on dat idea yesterday when I talked about helpin' oders, leadin' up to today.

See, wen ewe is full of love, it's hard to feel meen or hold grudges or talk about ur neighbor. Wen ewe is full of love, ur not lookin' over ur shoulder, waitin' for sumone to be mean to ewe. Wen ewe is full of love, ur heart is light. It's happy. If ur heart is full of luv, der is jest no room in it for anyting else. I meen, jest look at all da luv we hear about...

Da Big Guy upstairs said, "Love one another as I have loved you."*

Da Beatles sang, "All you need is love..."

England Dan and John Ford Coley sang, "Light of the world, shine on me, love is the answer..."

Okay, so Mom listens to 70's music a lot! It's not like I can weach da iPod controls! :)

Do a search on Google an ewe'll find 1.49 trillion results for da word love! Yeah, sum of dem are prolly bad stuff, so don't go look! :)

Anyways, I digress...

Us dogs, if sumthin' happens an it makes one of us mad, we might growl, snap, show our teeth, but den seconds later, it's ofer, long forgotten an we're back to playin'. Ewe hewmons, on da oder hand, whoa Nellie! Sumthin' makes one of ewes mad an boy, ewe guys shure kan hold onto grudges an hurt feelings! Why? Weally, whut gud is it doing any of ewe to hold onto sumthin' jest 'cause? All it does it take up space in ur heart dat ewe cud fill up wid love an be much happier!

See, I kompletely belief dat if hewmanity will weally learn to luv one anoder as da Big Guy has loved us, den we cud accomplish amazing tings! If we cud put aside slights an hurts an learn to forgive, we cud weally change da world! An all it takes is filling ur heart wid love.

"How in the world can I do that," ewe ask? If ewe want love, give love. Help a stranger. Visit an elderly person. Rescue an animal. Volunteer ur time. Help a child learn to read. A famous American writer once sed, "The love we give away is the only love we keep." An dat is so true! If ewe wanna keep luv in ur heart, give love! Every single time dat ewe help anoder person, ewe are jest puttin' money in da love bank!

I nos dat it's not easy in today's world to be happy. Der is sad stuff everyday an ewe might tink dat 'cause ur jest one person, ewe can't make much difference. But dat is so not true! The power of one is whut makes dis world strong! Da power of one person who tries can move mountains. Da power of one person who stands up for change will see change. I tink dat Mother Teresa sed it best, "In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love."

An on dat note, I wish ewe great luv dis year an more. Fill ur heart with luv.

Jazzy the Amazing Wiener

*John 15:12


At January 2, 2010 at 11:55 AM , Anonymous Aislinn O'Connor said...

I love this - I can't think of a better or more valuable thing to resolve, this year & EVERY year!

Just for good measure, there's another reference to loving on another in 1 John 4, verse 7 - "let us love one another, for love is of God".

I love the Mother Teresa quote, too - even a small action done with love can lead to great results we've never even thought of.

Thanks for a timely reminder, Jazzy - I will definitely follow it :-)

At January 3, 2010 at 12:01 PM , Anonymous Bloggie Stylish said...

good post, if we all gave a little more love the world would be a better place.

At January 4, 2010 at 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting choice of songs

At January 4, 2010 at 12:35 PM , Blogger WienerBites said...

Tank ewe to everybody who commented! Aislinn, ur so right! Even da littlest of gestures can be big to someone who's in need...ewe never nos! :)

An Anonymous, whut can I say? Mom has gud taste in music an in partikular, luvs dat last one! Me? I'd go for "Who Let Da Dawgs Out?!" ;)


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